Monday, July 7, 2014

Singing about Him vs. Singing to Him

Leanna and I have found a church that we both really like not too far from our house.  We both came across it separately and both felt like we should give it a try.  It is definitely NOT Desperation Church but there have been a few "God Winks" that let us know we might be in the right place.  The first day we were there, the Pastor said something along the lines of  "I know this is going to be weird but I'm going to make you do it anyway" and it felt a little like home.

This place really believes in worship.  It is NOT Bil Brown worship but it definitely helps you to enter in to that place.  You know the one.  That place you get to where you are worshiping your face off and you have no doubt that the very presence of God has entered in.  One thing that I've noticed though, that I always took for granted, was how careful Bil was to ensure that we were singing songs to the Lord and not just songs about the Lord. We tried another church before this one and the worship wasn't the same.  We sang about God and not TO Him.

 There is something about singing "I crumble at your kiss and grace, I'm a weakling in the dust, teach me how to cling to you, with all my life and all my love" .  I know all people experience worship differently but that is definitely something that spoke to me at, what might be, our new church.  We sang to our Lord..and it was good.

I have even noticed that when I am driving in my car, the songs that capture me are the ones I am singing to Him.  Don't get me wrong, I'll sing my lungs out about Him too...but singing to Him will bring me to tears.

Thank you Bil for helping me to see how all things in my life can be worship...but also for helping  to find the types of songs that help me to enter in to that secret place with Him.

Right now, "Keep Making Me" by Sidewalk Prophets is blowing my face off.  Is there a song that is speaking to you right now?  I would love to hear it, please post in the comments.


  1. Fix My Eyes by For King and Country--how to live with no regrets!!! Love ya Holly!! :-)

  2. Kathy- I had never heard/heard of this song. I really like it. Thank you for sharing. Love you and miss you lots!!!!!

  3. My 2 songs right now getting ready for our mission trip are the one above you mentioned Holly and Kathy's above of Fix my Eyes from King and County. Both just get me going!! :) Must be God since you both confirmed both songs for me!!

  4. I've finally had time to catch up on some things this week and your blog was on my list. Thank you for the encouragement. I'm leading worship at VBS this week and it has been a lot of fun getting to do that again. I miss you guys but I am glad that you found a place to land.

  5. I am glad that you've been rocking out at VBS. I have really missed it this year. We miss you too Bil, I am glad we found a place to land too....and I'm glad it's by the ocean :)
