Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Shack

So tonight was the first night of a comparative study of "The Shack". If you haven't had a chance to read it yet, I highly recommend it. There is a lot of controversy surrounding the book but I encourage you to read it for yourself and form your own opinion.

Most importantly- tonight was about fellowship and relationship. It's good to be vulnerable to others in the church even if someone (who shall remain nameless for now) felt the need to pinch me when I was know who you are. The group at DC are the most awesome bunch of women that I've ever had the privilege to get to know. I look forward to "un"blending with them.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nothing much to report

I don't have much to say tonight. This morning was one of those mornings that make you want to turn the car around, go back home, crawl into bed and pull the covers way up over so that you can hide from the world. However my good pal Jody brought me some strong black coffee and it hit the spot. It no longer seemed to matter that I lost the meds, the car, my cell phone and my computer gave me the error of death. I had coffee..woohoo.

I had JBQ this afternoon and had a good time talking to the kids about how they thought the tournament went. Everyone seems to have had a good time. Marlene and I had to have a discussion about how she won't drink her water and I have decided that everytime I see her and she doesn't have a water in her hand, I am going to put it in the blog. Maybe this will help her with her water intake. Actually she told me that she had finally looked at my blog and was expecting to see her name in it since she was such an awesome assistant coach on Saturday. I kindly informed Marlene that I wouldn't put anyone's name in the blog unless I know it's okay with them. Now that I know it's okay I decided to put Marlene's name in here several times =)

The diet is going well..the exercise is lacking..but better =)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Best Laid Plans

So I had my evening all figured it out- (Isn't that how it always starts). I was going to get home from work at 6 and I was going to get as much cooking done as possible before Biggest Loser started at 7. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a HUGE Biggest Loser fan so Tuesday nights are planned around my show.

I cook for 2 other people at work so it is my job to plan healthy meals for them. This is awesome for accountability because they expect me to bring a meal that is good for them. I can't just decide to eat garbage or to not take my lunch so that I can grab some fast food. It also is a great way to add a little extra income.

I usually cook the majority of the food on Sunday and put it in rubbermaid type containers so that they are good to go in the mornings but this past Sunday I was too tired to get all of the cooking done. Today was the only day I had to finish cooking the meals so I had to make Chicken Noodle Roll ups, Smoky Gouda Broccoli, Curry Chicken Cutlets and Honey Glazed Garlic Pot Roast tonight. I already knew I wasn't going to get it done before my show started but I hoped to be done in time for the weigh ins. I come in, put my stuff down, hug everyone and then I ask one of the boys to feed the dogs. Then I hear this little voice behind me that says "uhhh...we are out of dog food." Now the boys have been told a million times that if we start running low on dog food that they have to let us know so that we can make arrangements to get some more before they run out so I ask a simple question- "how much do we have left??" The voice gets a little lower.."uhhh...none and we don't have any to feed them tonight". Now would be a good time to ask for prayer for my quick temper. I only snapped for a minute then I simmered down and reminded him that he needs to tell me in advance.

So...anyways...I started cooking around 7 (after the dogs were fed) and just got done a few minutes ago. It all looked pretty good so we'll see how it tastes in the next few days. I should know by now not to make plans for the evening. My life always goes smoother when I just go with the flow. There is less chance to get frustrated this way.

I hope everyone has a fabulous night. God Bless

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's not just about Eternal Life

I feel led to share a thought with you so I am going to type a mid day post before I forget what I swant to say.

I keep thinking back to the days before I was saved. The days before I had given my life to Jesus. There were quite a few Christians that I had come across along my journey. They were awesome people who truly loved Jesus. I would constantly be told that Jesus was the way to eternal life. It seemed like that was what every Christian that I encountered focused on. Every where I turned I was being told that if I wanted to live forever then I should come to know Jesus because He was the only way. What everyone failed to understand was that every time I heard that- my heart was screaming "I DON'T WANT TO LIVE ANYMORE AT ALL SO WHY DO I CARE ABOUT LIVING FOREVER!!!". I think that sometimes we as Christians tend to focus on the Eternal Life aspect of Jesus as the way to save. This totally works for some but for others who are totally broken, they sometimes need another message.

I often think that if someone would have seen the real me and seen the person who felt unloved, unwanted, unworthy and told me that there was a Jesus who was real that could love me unconditionally (just the way I was)- I might have listened. If I knew that there was a Jesus who didn't expect anything in return for His love except for me to love Him back- I might have listened. If I knew that my self worth was not my value to him and had nothing to do with whether He would love me or not- I might have listened.

I feel like I have been led to write this to encourage those of us who are Christians to take a look at how we are sharing the love of Jesus with non-believers. I also write it to encourage any of you who might not know it that Jesus loves you just the way you are. He wants nothing more than a relationship with you. You don't have to change or get your life right. He will take you beat down and broken and then He will make you whole. I know one thing that I didn't understand is that I wasn't the one who needed to do the changing. I kept trying to do it on my own. I knew I didn't want to go on living the life I was living but nothing I tried worked. I simply needed to make the decision to turn my life over to Him and let Him do the changing in me.

Thank you for letting me share my heart.