Life is hard right now. So many things in my life feel upside down. There is so much uncertainty for the future and I have been struggling. Back in early September, a pastor had a Word for me and that Word has served me well. He said, "God is showing me that there is a peace in you that He is wanting to be your rhythm. Let peace be your pace, let peace be your state." I have come back to that Word over and over again. When I first heard it, I summarized it into, "Let peace be the rhythm, let peace set the pace."
God has been working on me since last December to take things one day at a time. When I start thinking too far ahead, the peace disappears. The truth is that I really have no idea what the future holds. We can guess; we can hope; we can plan, but none of us really know. I can bet that no one predicted the dumpster fire that 2020 turned into. I remember that God is asking me to take things one day at a time, and the peace returns.
When I start trying to do things on my own, or to take matters into my own hands, I start to lose my peace. I am a person who is used to taking charge. When situations come up, I handle them. I think that I know best what to do. Yet, I have no peace. God nudges me and say, "Let Me Do It," which is a blog post for another day. When I surrender control back to Him, the peace returns.
Several years ago, a holistic doctor taught me how to "listen" to my body when it came to how my body reacted to food. If I pay close attention, I can determine which foods make my body hurt and which foods give my body energy. It has taken a lot of practice, but I've really started to figure this body out.
God is showing me, now, that if I listen my spiritual body, it will also tell me how it's doing. When I start to feel the peace slipping away, and anxiety and unsettledness slipping in, I am learning to pause and try to figure out what I'm trying to do in my own power. Am I trying to analyze every input to try to determine the future? Am I worrying about things I have no control over? Am I letting the enemy lie to me? When these things happen, I turn my eyes to Jesus, I remember His promises to me, and I surrender it all to Him again, and again, and again. It takes practice. It's hard. It's worth it.
Think about your own life in this current season. Are you letting peace set the pace? Ask God to show you what areas you need to surrender to Him so that He can keep you centered in His perfect peace.
Of course, there is a song that has been speaking to me in this season. It's called Missing Peace by JJ Heller. Have a listen, it will remind you that no matter what you are facing, He is your missing peace.
Wonderfully written. A good word for all of us trying to take control of something instead of surrendering.