Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thoughts I Felt Like Sharing

We are called to be the light of the world and NOT a darkness pointer outer

Jesus died so I could be set free from me

Some people don't take care of themselves because they don't even like themselves

Love is not God's occupation- it's who HE is!

Don't live to be functionally dysfunctional

On the narrow path- there is no room for your fleshly baggage

If you ever doubt God's LOVE for you - you will doubt God's word for/to you

All of us are just one JESUS away from hell

When you pray for something- God will give you the course- learn how to use the pressure to gain small victories- that way when you get the prize- you're ready for it

No matter what you are going thorugh- No matter how bad it gets- YOU WIN!!

The devil will invite you to every pity party that he throws- I dare you to not attend

One thing I am not EVER going to do again is NOTHING

Most of us are no longer Fisher's of Men- but have become Keepers of the Aquarium

If you can heal a child- You won't have to rescue an adult

When I get out of bed in the morning - Hell should tremble

Love is not a theory, feeling or a word- It is something you do

If you wait until you feel like doing what's right- you're in trouble --Choose to do what's right and your feelings will catch up to you.

You may be the only Jesus that your neighbor will ever see


  1. wonderful thoughts. See you are still the pep rallier! (Is rallier a word?)

  2. "On the narrow path- there is no room for your fleshly baggage."

    This one made me laugh. I know it is meaning something totally different, but I think it also applies to our lovely weight loss journey, at least mine! I pictured myself trying to fit down God's narrow path for my life, but not being able to fit because I was too fat. Sick, aren't I? It made me laugh and made my stomach churn at the same time. Seriously, my weight does hold me back from some things, and it shouldn't be that way at all. I don't want my extra flesh baggage to keep me from doing something I should be doing.
    Wow...completely random, but that's how I have been lately...

  3. Sorry guys the baby is sick so I'll have to post my Biggest Loser thoughts a bit later.
