Tuesday, February 14, 2017

It Came To Pass

In honor of a friend of mine who is having surgery today, I want to write about her Mom's favorite scripture.   "It came to pass".  Now, that's not really a scripture in itself but it is mentioned in the King James version of the bible 453 times.  In the bible, "it came to pass" basically means "it happened".  That's not how my friend Lorrie's Mom thought about those words in the bible.  Lorrie's Mom used it at as a reminder that the trial that we might be facing didn't come to stay, it came to pass.  It won't last forever.  I love that.

That is such a good reminder for all of us.  Sometimes when we are in the middle of a hard season, we can begin to feel like the hard times are never going to end.  We start to feel like God has forsaken us.  That are we destined to live in that hard minute for the rest of our lives.  This simply isn't the case.  The trial will end and you will come out on the other end a different person.  How you are different is up to how you choose to handle the trial.  You can let it make you bitter or you can let it make you better.  I pray that you let it make you better..stronger..more full of faith. I pray that God burns more of His image in you, like I wrote about in this blogpost - When Our Dark Times are Only a Dark Room

It really does help to remember that "it came to pass" and that you will survive it.  The trick is to take it to the Lord and ask Him to help you through it.  Sometimes, we have to lay the hard thing at His feet a hundred times a day.  Don't beat yourself up if you have to keep taking it to Him.  He can handle it. He would rather hear about it a hundred times than for you to carry it alone.

 Ask Him to help you find the good that can come from the hard times. There is always good....in every situation.  Romans 8:28 says "We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose."  If you can't find the good yet, don't despair, God will work it for your good, in His time.

If you are facing a hard season and I can pray for you, please send me a private message.  I'll be honored to pray for you.  If you are facing a hard season, keep your head up and your eyes focused on God and not the situation.  If you are facing a hard season, remember, it came to pass.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! “It came to pass”. I wish I’d read this and known you last May when I was praying by the minute for “it” to pass. I prayed for months and never thought I’d survive.
    But I did. It came to pass. And I was healthier and closer to God because of it all. Every minute mattered. Every prayer, every tear, brought me closer to Him; especially through the pain.
