Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Surrender, As Many Times As It Takes

I have been doing a lot of thinking about the word surrender lately.  Maybe it's because God has asked me to "walk life out" with Him by my side and I originally thought He meant walk in a figurative kind of way...but He really meant walk....like physically.  So every day at lunch, I put in my headphones, set my iPhone to shuffle through the 4,000 +  Christian/Worship songs I have, and I get to walking.

Over the course of the 35 miles that I've walked in February, I have heard a lot of songs shuffle past.  Some of them just pass right through my brain as background noise while God and I are talking about something.  Some of them I skip because I'm not even sure how they got on my phone in the first place.  Every once in a while, one of them makes me stop walking and hit rewind.  Okay...maybe not rewind...but start over...or whatever that back button is called.  I have found recently that the songs that talk about surrendering to God and giving Him all of us are the ones that are catching my ear.

So, as I'm walking, I keep saying to Him, "Lord, help me to lay it all at your feet. Every fear, every frustration, every heartache, every chain that is holding me captive, every relationship, every uncertainty, every ounce of all of me, help me to lay it all down and trust You with it."  I have said this often to Him over the last 28 days.  Almost daily.

Every time I surrender to Him, and give Him back the reigns of my life, the devil whispers in my ear, "Didn't you give it to him yesterday?  Obviously you are doing something wrong if you have to keep laying it down at his feet every day.  Maybe he can't be trusted with what you are laying down.  Why are you even bothering to lay it down if you are just going to pick it back up.  What a waste of time."
I used to listen to the lies of the enemy.  I stopped trusting God with my life.  I stopped believing that the way He was handling my life was what was best for me.    I stopped laying things down at His feet in surrender, because what was the point.  NOT ANYMORE!!

I am learning that it is okay that I have to surrender...every stinkin' day.  God doesn't need me to be perfect in my walk with Him.  He knows my heart.  He knows that I am chasing after Him.  He knows that I truly want what He wants in my life.  I am okay with imperfect progress.  Each day that I lay my life down at His feet, I find that I have just a little bit less to lay down, because I didn't pick it all up yesterday.  I left some of it there...with Him...trusting Him with a little bit more every day.

If you find yourself having to surrender control over your life to God every day.  You are in good company.  I don't know any one who doesn't have something to surrender.  Don't let the enemy convince you that God isn't pleased with your effort.

Should you be in need of some amazing songs about surrender, I will link to some of my favorites here.  If you have a favorite that I haven't included, please let me know.


  1. You know how they say over time you get better at things? I think this one, surrender, is easier than it used to be for me because God has just been so faithful when I have let things go and given them to him so its easier than it used to be. Kind of like pushing that rock...but then I worry I am in denial and really carrying more than I think I am...so thank you for the thoughts and reminders. I realize I need to check in with God and make sure I am giving it up to him to carry. Thank you! And thank you for the song list. I am working on building mine up!

  2. Surrendering was a process for me. I thought I had surrendered many years ago, but kept doing things my way; not bothering to ask God about any of it.
    Then one day I just couldn’t anymore. All my ways had failed. All I had was Jesus; and that’s a scary, yet perfect, place to be. Getting to that place saved my life.
    Nowadays I find new reasons to keep surrendering to Him. I imagine that’ll be going on forever and that’s ok. That’s how it should be. I don’t want to be dependent on anyone but God.
