Tuesday, February 10, 2009

15 and counting

Today was a good exercise day for me. I walked for 30 minutes this afternoon. I have actually started adding small bursts of jogging into the middle of my walks just trying to get my heart rate up and expand my lungs. I then came home and did about 20 minutes on the Wii Fit. I did some yoga, some strength training and some yoga. I then sat on my rear and watched "The Biggest Loser". I just loooooove that show. I know that their weight loss totals are not realistic for those of us doing it in the "real world" but it has definitely helped me along the way. I remember last year when I had lost 75lbs. I was really having a hard time because while it sounded like a big number - I couldn't see it. I was watching "Biggest Loser" and they had all lost around the 75lb mark and I was noticing how different they looked..and I thought..I must look that different too. It helps to see it on others. It has also helped me on this trip down the weight loss path. I have said a million times that I can't run. I will never run. By watching the contestants and hearing the trainers I realized that I've never "really" tried. Jillian is always telling people that they can push themselves farther than they ever thought possible. That is motivating me. For those who might be concerned...I do realize that I am not under the watchful eye of a trainer who is going to make sure I don't push harder than I should..but it helps me to push a little.

Speaking of pushing a little- Leanna convinced me that after "The Biggest Loser" we needed to go to the hospital and climb some stairs. I walked up 1 flight to get to the south tower and then we walked from the 1st floor to the 7th floor- took the elevator down to the ground floor and went back up to the 7th floor- then another flight back to the car. Now..when I got to the top of the stairwell for the 2nd time...I was STRUGGLING. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest and I finally realized how people on the Biggest Loser push themselves until they puke. If I would have tried even 1 more stair..it wouldn't have been pretty. My legs were holding out okay but my lungs are NOT happy. It might have to do with the years of smoking 2 packs a day. Thank GOD that I gave those up 3 1/2 years ago. So..I just need to keep working. I have almost 4 weeks left to train. 2 weeks ago I just barely got up 7 floors so I figure I'm on the right track. I will take any suggestions on some good lung expanded- leg muscle building exercises. I will keep tackling the stairs as well, I just need variety.

Thank you all for walking this journey with me. Your support means the world to me.


  1. So Molly told me I am supposed to post my secrets to success on here as this weeks biggest loser.

    The #1 reason for this success is this team effort to lose weight and get healthy. We are in this together for the next few months and I don't see why it can't continue even after we move. Good job, ladies. You motivate me.

    Top 10 things that have helped me.

    1. Water. I've cut way down on drinking pop (or soda for you East Coast types) and have tried hard to hydrate instead.

    2. Cooking. Molly and I have cooked at home as much as possible. In fact, this month our goal is to not eat out at all. The dieters cook book we got at Christmas has worked very well for us.

    3. Portion-control. Molly helps me with portion control, even though I think the folks who determine 'serving' sizes must be she-she-boy communists who don't really know what a man-sized serving ought to be.

    4. Labels. I try to eat a lot of foods that don't have labels that I have to read to figure out if it is healthy or not. I eat a banana and an apple everyday. I put baby-carrots and spinach in my lunch. Molly is on board as well and now buys a lot of our vegetables fresh and we'll freeze them ourselves.

    5. Sodium. Because of my own high blood pressure and my family history of heart disease, I have had to pay a lot of attention to sodium. In doing so, I have avoided a lot of foods that are not healthy for you, such as microwave dinners and deli meats.

    6. Focus. Like Holly says in her post, everyone loses weight differently or is motivated by different things. Everyone needs to find what works for them. For me, I focus on health and fitness, not weight. My last physical told me that my HDL cholesterol was low and my blood pressure was high. I am eating the things and doing the exercise I need to do to fix those things without medication. Losing weight is part of it, but it's a means to the end, which is being HEALTHY, not LIGHT-WEIGHT.

    7. Perspective. If I lose 1 pound I am not mad that I didn't lost 2 pounds. Instead I think of a pound of hamburger, which is much heavier than fat, and think that I lost at least that much unhealthy girth from my body. That's success.

    8. Trends. Weight loss and getting healthy is not a work out regimen or a diet plan, it's developing a healthy way of life and the habits to support it. This does not happen overnight. As such, as long as you keep a downward trend in your weight over time, you must be doing something right. Don't look at your weight each week, it's nothing but a data point. Look at the trend over the month or two months. We have all lost weight over the last few weeks and that is awesome. We are heading in the right direction!

    9. Yoga and Flexibility. I have been introduced to the world of Yoga and it is awesome. Yoga is the kind of exercise that will keep you young for a long time. It's not easy when you start, but keep at it. The benefits start showing themselves immediately when you see that your balance and flexibility are much greater; and that your body doesn't hurt so much when you run or even get out of bed. We also need to focus on stretching our bodies. Flexiblity affects everything we do...our posture, our performance, and our resilience to injury. It's just as important as cardio and strength....and it doesn't hurt to do it.

    10. Just Do It. If you're sitting there wondering if you have time to work out, or if you should work out, or that you don't feel like it....just go do it. The time you waste thinking about it is time you could have spent walking, stretching, or playing the Wii-Fit. I do most of my working out in the morning...and it is hard for me not to hit SNOOZE and sleep in. But I've got to do it. The more you keep working out...the more your body will crave it and it gets easier to get up and go. As you see results, the more motivated you will get. Holly is a great example. She goes for a walk while she's waiting to give the kids a ride. She pushes herself to the point of projectus vomitus in the hospital stairwell and it sounds to me like she "LOVES" it. She is even running a little bit now. Motivation gets you hard work, hard work gets you results, results get you motivation. It's the circle of life. That sounds cheesy, but think about it.

    That's enough for now. Great job ladies. Keep up the good work. Now get back to work!!


  2. I have been so behind on blogs, but finally have caught up with yours! I am so impressed with all of you and your determination and weight loss success! You will certainly be an inspriation for me when it is time for me to lose this baby weight.
    I too am a BIG fan of The Biggest Loser. Before I ever saw the show I condemned it. I couldn't believe that a show like this existed and they would vote these poor people off when they needed confidence the most. Being someone who has struggled with weight all my life, I refused to watch the show. When I finally saw it, I fell in love. I couldn't believe the progress these people made! Forget the weight loss! I fell in love with watching these people overcome all odds and gain incredible self confidence! I bawl during each and every episode watching them discover what they can do.
    To your comment about running, it reminds me of the episode this season watching Dan on the treadmill. This boy is 400+ pounds and JOGGING ON A TREADMILL!! I am so inspired watching these people and it reminds me that there are NO excuses. You CAN do anything you set your mind to.
    I will get off my soap box and end this post. Keep up the good work! My mantra is: Consistency, not Perfection...

  3. Holly I am so proud of you! you are doing an amazing job and an inspiration. Chris thanks so much for sharing your tips. They are great!
