Sunday, February 8, 2009

It's Splurge Time

The good ol' tax refund came this week and we had huge discussions in the house at to what to do with the money. The adults felt like we had worked hard for our refunds and we deserved to splurge a little on ourselves. We also felt like we should do something "important" with our refunds. We decided to take the boys on a mission trip to La Croc, Mexico with Youthfront. I think that a lot of the kids of this generation cannot wrap their minds around how lucky they have it. The bible says Go Ye into all the world...we are the Ye!! I believe we are called to spread the love of Jesus with as many people as possible. So in June we will be headed to Mexico to build a house and run a vacation bible school.

So back to our splurges...

For those of you who know Leanna, you know that she is a READER!! She will often have to take 2 bags with her so that she can put 7 different books in there. She needs her bible, and a murder mystery, and a self help, and some poetry....she needs variety AT ALL TIMES. Her splurge was a Sony reader digital ebook. She can download a bunch of books on it and it's paper thin so she can put it in her everyday bag. She can put music on it and pictures and she's already downloaded 4 books. She is super duper excited about it.

As silly as it is..I wanted a Wii Fit. Well you can't just get the gotta get the Wii too. This thing is pretty cool. It weighs you in (but you don't have to look at it if you don't want to), checks your can set weight loss goals. It has a personal trainer who guides you through strength training exercises, aerobics, yoga and balance. It is amazing how the balance board can sense you and help you to engage the correct muscles to do the exercises. I have also learned that I am better at the hula hoop than I originally thought...and Josh is NOT so good. We had a great time just messing around with it tonight. I have to tell you that it will give you quite a workout.


  1. That will be a great experience for you guys. My husband and I went on a mission trip a year and a half ago to Juarez, Mexico to build a home. We had an amazing time. It was not easy both physically, but more so mentally. To realize how much you have and how blessed you are. To question why God gave you the life he gave you and why you gave those people that life and what we can learn from them. Your splurges sound awesome too. We got a wii and wii fit with part of our stimulus checks last summer and love it. Carla

  2. Holly that is awesome! I wish you luck and I'm glad that your boys have you both so that they will understand what life is truly about. Enjoy the Wii fit. my mom loves hers. I'm still on the fence cause I'm not big on bringing video games into the house. I know this one is different, but anytime we got to my parents, that's all Evan wants to do...

  3. Oh I am so jealous! I am dying for a Wii fit! The mission trip sounds awesome too, what a good use of your tax refund.
