Friday, May 6, 2016

Pray For Real Upon Your Knees - Until They Blister

So my friend Mandy shared a song with me the other day and it wrecked me. It was so convicting and spoke to so many things that God was already putting on my heart.  It was so good,  that I thought I would write a blog post about it.  The song is called "Clear The Stage" by Jimmy Needham.  You can listen to it by clicking here.

There is a verse in the song that reads:

Take a break from all the plans that you have made
And sit at home alone and wait for God to whisper
Beg him please to open up His mouth and speak
And pray for real upon your knees until they blister.

I think about the things that God is putting on my heart.  I have been praying and seeking direction from Him on what the next steps in my career/life look like.  I talk to Him in the morning while I'm drinking my coffee and playing Hay Day.  I talk to Him while I'm driving in my car.  I talk to Him while I'm watching TV.  I talk to Him while I'm scrolling through Facebook. I know the power of prayer. I know that we should pray without ceasing.  I have been so frustrated because I feel like I'm not hearing Him.  He is giving me little bits and pieces but I desperately want clarity and confirmation.

God spoke to my heart today and asked me when the last time was, that I made room in my life for only Him.  No distractions!!  No TV, radio, computer, dogs, people...just HIM.  When was the last time I prayed for real upon my knees??  I want so desperately to hear Him but I refuse to stop and listen.  Why??  Am I afraid of what He might ask of me?  Am I afraid that this next thing might be harder than the last thing?  The last time He gave me the clarity that I so desperately seek, wasn't easy.  Picking up everything I owned, and leaving those that I love most for a job that was soul-crushing wasn't what I had in mind when He said go.  What if next time, He asks me to do something even harder?

What if He doesn't?

What if the hard times that He has had me walking through, for what seems like forever, has all been preparing me for such a time as this?  What if His plans are to give me the desires of my heart? There is another line in the song that says, "Anything that I put, before my God, is an idol."  The FEAR that I am allowing in my life and putting above hearing from Him is an idol.  So I am putting it out in the open...and letting His light shine on it.  Now, I'm off to pray, for real, upon my knees.