Friday, February 6, 2009

5 tips from Dr. Oz

A big thank you to Molly for today's blog idea. Apparently Dr. Oz was on Good Morning America this morning will all kinds of super duper advice for us. Here are his 5 tips.

Tip 1: Ease Up on the Stress to Control Eating - he says "When you have stress, you'll eat more and things you wouldn't normally eat," - I just want to say...DUH!!!!

Tip 2: Don't Just Count Calories, Count Exercise- "muscle, when it's being used, will burn 50 times more calories than fat will" This is why it is sooo critical that we get out and get some muscle ladies...I hear you can burn a lot of muscle hiking up 34 flights of stairs.

Tip 3: Sleep Is the Key to Building Muscle - "sleep is the best way for us to generate growth hormone, and without that we can't build the muscle mass" It also keeps us from having so much of that stress he talks about in #1 up there. It also can save our kids' lives.

Tip 4: Forgive Yourself for Mistakes and Learn to Feel Better "Listen, when you're driving along on the road and you missed your turn, the GPS doesn't berate you. Right? It says at the next available moment, make an authorized U-turn. What's the big deal? The whole purpose of this is not to be healthier, it's to feel better," Oz said. --Why do we have such a hard time with this one???

Tip 5: Make Long-Term Changes You Can Sustain - He said there's no real benefit for people to eat what they hate to eat for the short term- This is soo totally true. I often have to remind myself that I am NOT going to go without pizza for the rest of my life so I better find a way to incorporate it in. Same with Mexican =)

If you want to read more about this you can go to Good Morning America's site and read all about it. I encourage everyone to continue to reach out and learn new tips and tricks that might work for you. Everyone's journey is just a little bit different and what works for me might not work for you. The trick is just staying focused on striving for results.

On another note..Leanna said that she is trying Molly's "See How Sick We Can Get and Hopefully Lose Five Pounds" weight loss method this week. I prefer any method besides that one. =)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post!! All good tips to keep in mind as we go on this journey.

    I did it!!! After a truly awful start to the week, I ended up losing .48% this week. Anything is something. That brings me to 4.6% overall. Thanks for all the support!
