Sunday, February 1, 2009

6 flights and counting

I am looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow. I know that I've lost something only because my pants are getting looser.

I know that a lot of people think that I am insane for attempting the Vertical Dash for Diabetes (just because I can only get up 6 flights so far). It is serving it's purpose already. I was really tired on Friday evening and wanted to lay down and go to sleep. I sat down on my bed and thought "you aren't going to make it up 34 flights of stairs by going to bed early." It got me up and got me moving. I am lucky that I live in a split level house. This way I can walk up my own stairs for training. I think I am going to go up to the hospital next weekend and walk up their stairs. They have 7 flights and it will be good to train on them. The only problem with my home stairs is that I have to walk back down them every time.

If you want to join me (Sara and Megan are already on board) then you need to register on-line. The website is When you get there, there is a place on top of the thermometer that allows you to register now and join the team. We are team # 2 and our team name is Going All Out.

I am hoping to raise $200 as a team. If you don't feel like you can walk the 34 flights of stairs but God puts it on your heart to support our efforts, you can donate to the team here

Thank you to all of you are walking this journey with me. I look forward to getting all of the weight loss updates tomorrow. God Bless!!


  1. What a great idea! I joined your team, even though I think the four flights of stairs at my office are challenging - especially in the morning!

  2. This is a good idea. My sister is diabetic, she has struggled with it since she was 14. I truly wish there was better way for her to live. She has been the type who refuses to take her medicine correctly...only enough to live. I do not understand her...but I do love her. I would love to do this...I think...but how many stairs are in a "flight"? I will talk to my husband and check on the date and get back with you for sure! Have a good afternoon! Carla

  3. Well, I lost 2 pounds, but I haven't taken the time to figure out how you figure the percentages. I'm okay with knowing I lost 2 pounds at this point... The hardest part is staying away from the scales til next Monday morning. Good luck on your stair climbing - I am considering joining you, but need to check the calendar.
