Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's good to have friends

I just wanted to take a minute and thank all of the people in my life who make a difference every day. There are people in my work life who make my day better when I see them. They always have a hug or an encouraging word. They make it easier to get through the mundaneness of it all. They say a sincere thank you even when I'm just doing my job. There are those in my work life who have been put into a position to mentor me (even though they may hate it sometimes) and they are doing an awesome job.

There are people in my church life that help me draw closer to God. They are good for a friendly conversation, or a discussion about more serious things. They join me in adventures (like climbing 34 floors) and they invite me to sit and have dinner with them when I run into them at Chipotle's. Most importantly- they love me just for being me.

There are those in my everyday life who come to my house and help me put a fence. They come and help me finish my basement. They help get me through cub scouts (by being loud and rowdy and parents meetings) so that my boy could live to see Boy scouts. They "facebook" me just to stay in the loop and they forgive me when I get to busy to call and check on them.

Friends are soooo important. We all need people in our lives who can hold us accountable, love us unconditionally, and put up with our nonsense. I pray often that I might be a blessing to others as much as they have been a blessing to me.

So a big thank you to all of you in my life who help make me a better person.

Love you all!!


  1. Holly you are a light in my life and I'm sooo thankful to have you in it. And even though you are just "doing your job" you are amazing at it and never make me feel like I am bothering you. Love you, mean it!
