Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pride and Perspective

I went to train on the stairs tonight. My goal was to finish 34 floors in 45 minutes or less. It was pushed my heart and lungs in a way that they haven't been pushed in a loooong time. I finished in 25 minutes and 50 seconds. I wanted to cry when I was done. I was soo proud of how far I've come. I looked back today and on 2/1 (just 25 days ago) I could only get up 6 floors. I felt worse after those 6 then I did after the 34 today.

It was great perspective for me. I have only lost 3 lbs in the past 25 days but I am healthier and stronger than I have been in years. I just have to keep doing what I know to do and eventually my body is going to have no choice but to catch up with me. I know now that I am unstoppable. If I can climb 34 floors in 25 minutes at 287 pounds- I CAN DO ANYTHING!!

Just a reminder- If you wait to do the right thing until you feel like doing it- you are in trouble. Do the right thing because it's the right thing..and your feelings will catch up to you!!

Love you all- thanks for sharing this journey with me!! God Bless!!


  1. Good for you! I bet you've built some great muscle mass! Yeah for health!

  2. Holly you are amazing! You inspire not only me but soooo many others. God has blessed us with you! Congrats on your amazing accomplishment even though we all knew you could do it.
