Friday, January 8, 2010

Good People

I am happy to report that my temporary crowns have been put on with only minimal discomfort. Thank you for your prayers.

There is so much evil in this world and so many people who are only out for themselves. It is disheartening sometimes. Our God is sooo good though that He continues to show me how many good people are left in the world.

I have been following the story of a little 5 year old girl named Kate Mcrae who was diagnosed with a brain tumor in July . Her family has a caringbridge site at I don't even remember now how I got wrapped up in her story but it's heart wrenching and inspiring all at the same time. Kate was going to be stuck in the hospital over Christmas taking Chemo. She had made friends at the oncology unit. Her family mentioned that Kate would like it if people donated some toys to the hospital so that they children who were stuck in the hospital could have a nice Christmas. People from all over the world donated toys..they had so many toys that they filled an entire Penske truck with them and still had so many left over that they had to distribute them at other hospitals. It was awesome. It is just a reminder that people still care.

God has really blessed me with the people He has brought into my life. The kind of friends that you trust with everything including your dogs and your kids. The kind of friends who will go out into below zero wind chills to snow blow your cousins driveway..just because you asked them to. The kind of friends that when you are having a hard time with life will just circle up around you and go to God on your behalf. I am so thankful for all of them. They are GOOD PEOPLE!! The DO exist!!

I pray that you will be blessed by an act of kindness whether it's by a stranger or by a friend. I pray that you will pass that kindness on to others. Sometimes all someone needs is a smile. This world needs to be reminded that there are some Good People left.

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