Sunday, January 18, 2009

What a Beautiful Day

I have decided that God makes days like this in the middle of the winter just for me. As I've said a million times, I hate exercising for the sake of exercising. I don't mind walking but I like to get out into nature to do it. I took some time today to put my Ipod on and go out to Stocksdale park and take a walk. I prefer to walk on the "natural" trail but I was afraid it would be a little too muddy so I stuck to the paved trail. There is something about being out in God's wondrous beauty and feeling the wind blowing that makes walking tolerable. Of course anyone who saw me walking would have thought I was a little nuts. I tend to draw very near to God when I'm listening to songs of worship while I'm out with the wildlife (okay ..I didn't even see a squirrel but you know what I mean.) I spent a lot of time with my hands up in worship which I have to imagine enhances the workout. =)

I haven't done the best at working out this week but short of the papa murphy's "incident" I have been great on the food side. Tomorrow is weigh in day so I am hopeful that I've lost weight. I am not losing as fast as I would like but I keep reminding myself that it is all about small changes that will last a lifetime. I am so very thankful for all of the encouragement that we are receiving. It sure does help us get through the week.


  1. Great job, girl! Whatever it takes to get the exercise in. Isn't is a bummer that the weight doesn't come off as quickly as it adds on? I hate that! We sure can pack them on, but when it comes to getting rid of them...that's another story. You are doing great! Love you!

  2. If you are interested...a few of my girlfriends and I have started a blog about weight loss, finances, etc. at
    If you would like to join us for some support let me know. I'll add you as an author. ~javagirl~ (jesi)

  3. YOU GO GIRL!!! And you're right I would have been one of those looking at you funny! ha ha ha And I know exactly what you mean about being outside with God's beauty surrounding you physically and mentally. When we lived in Virginia Beach the ocean had that affect on me. It would calm me and remind me to be patient. I didn't have a Papa Murphy moment but I did eat an entire two bags of rice cakes. Any way you look at it it was too many calories!! This whole week is supposed to be the mid 50's on wednesday. I might have to take Virginia for a stroll around legends!
