Saturday, January 10, 2009

Eye Toy is New Favorite Workout

We had JBQ today. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is Junior Bible Quiz. The children in our church learn the answer to some 500 questions about the bible. The hide God's word in their heart and then they get to have fun with what they learn. On one Saturday a month they get to quiz against other churches in the area. Today was the first time our children went to a Quiz Meet. I am soooo proud of the kids from the church. They were on their best behavior, they "got" the true meaning of why we were learning- (not to win), the were good sports whether they win or lost. Desperation Church kids are AWESOME!! Working with kids is soooo rewarding. If you have any patience for children I would encourage you to get involved in with the children at your church- unless of course you have 10 kids of your own and then maybe you need a break. =) on to my new toy. I was having a conversation the other day with this guy at work named Aaron. We were talking about how I wished I could afford a Wii because I would really like to get a Wii fit. I am all about exercising without actually knowing I'm excercising. He told me that he and his wife have an eye toy and there was a new game that kind of helped you work out. I had forgotten all about the Eye Toy so I immediately googled it to see how much they were. It seemed they were reasonably priced on ebay but I didn't want to wait that long. I had to get moving soon!! I went to Vintage Stock today and they had a used Eye Toy for $14.99. They also had a game called Kinetic which is what I think Aaron was talking about. It was $14.99 too. It allows you to create workout routines. There are 2 personal trainers that help you along the way. You can get cardio, combat, toning, and mind.

I brought it home and hooked it up because I wanted to see what it did. The 4 of us spent the next 2 1/2 hours jumping around the living room. It was quite the workout. The boys had fun and all of us got some much needed exercise. Rhonda on one of my earlier posts recommended that we pay ourselves $5 for every pound we lose. I think the idea is to have clothes money when you are done losing but I thought..hmm..I've lost 6 lbs, that's $30. I should be able to by an Eye Toy. Leanna is saving up for a digital book. She saw one at Target the other day and now she is totally hooked. I told her that at $5 a lb, she only had 60 lbs to go. She looked like she wanted to smack me so I changed the subject..hahaha.


  1. I've never heard of an Eye Toy...sounds interesting. We do have a Wii fit, but I haven't been on it. I will have to check out yours.

    Oh, and I will be more than happy to hold you down so Leanna can smack deserve it for that one!

  2. I feel so silly - I have no idea what an eye toy is, so I guess I'll have to look it up on the web!!!
