Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fellowship is Important

I want to thank everyone for all of the great food ideas. I am looking forward to trying all of them. I also decided that some of the hunger/shaky feeling is fatigue. I haven't been sleeping very well this week and I am sure that isn't helping at all. I am feeling much much better!!

We had our Women's Free for All at church tonight. It is truly amazing how much I miss these ladies when I don't get to see them for a while. With the holidays and the weather issues in December things got postponed and our women's ministry hasn't met in a while. Desperation Church has the most amazing bunch of women. They are on fire for God and His light shines out through them. So anyway, I told everyone goodbye and walked outside at 9pm but I have only been home for 30 minutes. You will see by the time on this post that perhaps I stood outside for a while. For those of you who KNOW me, you will know how crazy that is because I have always been a blender in crowds. For me to be standing around outside chit-chatting for almost 2 hours is NOT NORMAL! For those of you who THINK you know me- you think that I am loud, obnoxious and opinionated and it's normal for me to stand around chit-chatting. That's because I have gotten to know you and you aren't in a crowd. =)I would like to take a moment to thank the brave soul who engaged me in a meaningful conversation in 30 degree weather. I value your friendship and I hope you have defrosted.

Our Women's ministry leader firmly believes in "What's your story of his glory". She feels like a good way to build relationships is to share testimonies. I wholeheartedly agree. I have heard several testimonies during Women's ministry time and there is always a message for me. God has been moving in me for the last few months that my story needs to be heard. Of course, I am just as opinionated with God as I am with everyone else so I pretty much told him that I would be just fine keeping my story to myself. In case you haven't learned this yet- GOD ALWAYS WINS. He is not above using those around you in strategic ways to CONVINCE you that his way is the right way. So I will be telling my story during the next Women's Free for All. I am sure God has a lot to talk to me about between now and then. God knows that I have a lot to process and a lot of decisions to make on what I feel like He is leading me to share. I feel like He is calling me not only to acknowledge that my scars are still wounds but to open those wounds wide open so that He can wash them clean. I am saying BRING IT ON!!!


  1. I would love to attend and be a strong spirit for you if you need it - would that be possible? I miss you.

  2. YOU...loud and opinionated??? I can't believe it! :) You are very welcome, although no thanks was necessary...that's what good friends are for...standing out in the cold for over an hour to talk about important stuff! It didn't take too long to thaw out...all that extra blubber is good for something I guess!
    I knew you would agree to sharing your testimony. You know it is important for you to do it and it is important for those who need to hear it. God is going to do some awesome things through all of this. Anyways, I'll be right there with you, girl. We've got about six weeks...let me know when you want to meet!

  3. That is so great that you have such a great group of women to be a support/prayer group. Our church used to have a very close group of younger women...but things have changed so much with our church and relationships seemed to have fallen apart. I guess that happens though...they say some people God puts in your life to help you for a time and then they move on and others God places there to stay....or something like that. I will be praying for you that you will know what God wants you to share and that you sharing something you have experienced will help another woman in your group. Our testimonies are ours for a reason....when shared they help others deal with things in their lives. I am sending lots of "sleeping dust" your way...just make sure you catch it when you are headed to bed not when you are driving or something..hehe.
