Monday, January 5, 2009

Getting Down to the Roots

Before I get to the "meat" of my thoughts for the day I would like to do my Monday weight loss update. We are all 4 doing an incredible job. I am proud of us!!

Holly - 1.98% weight loss - BIGGEST LOSER
Leanna - 1.44% weight loss
Molly- 1.91% weight loss
Chris- .94% weight loss

Keep in mind that we have only been going since January 1 so I am so thankful to God that we have been successful.

As I mentioned in a previous post- God is working on the inside of me. I pray that as God works in me that I might speak His truth into this blog so that others may benefit. I promise that not all of the posts will be heavy material but I feel like God is calling me to share my struggle. I believe it is His desire to turn all things for good- even my weight loss struggle.

I have been battling weight issues since 6th grade. I am fairly certain that the weight gain originally came about due to abuse I experienced as a child. I have worked through a lot of baggage that came with my childhood but I can't help but think that there are deep roots that I need to get to in order to fully heal. I was listening to a Beth Moore CD on my way to work the other morning and she said something that struck me to the core. You all know what I'm talking about..those things that you hear that you KNOW are from God and you can almost see Him nodding his head whispering "yep ..that was for you". She said that scars don't hurt. A lot of us walk around talking about the scars that we have on our hearts from all of the horribly hurtful things that have happened to us. We feel like we've worked through them and dealt with them and now they are just scars on our hearts. SCARS DON'T HURT. If thoughts of your childhood are hurtful or when a certain person's name is mentioned it brings an ache to your heart, then it is NOT a scar- it is a wound. Wounds can only heal if they are washed clean and God is the only one who can do it. It makes me think back to times in my childhood where I cut my finger or scraped my knee. My Mom would want to pour stuff into my wounds to wash it out. I hated it. I winced and pulled away and sometimes I dreaded it so much that I would make a choice not to tell my Mom about my cut. I would rather face infection and amputation (as this is what I was assured would happen if my wound wasn't washed out) then to have that stuff poured into my wounds. That's how I feel about my heart wounds sometimes. I know that only God can wash them clean but it HURTS. I still wince and pull away and then I make a choice not to surrender the wounds to the only one who can heal them. I am learning though that the infection (the bad self thoughts) and the amputation (my separation from God) aren't worth it. As much as it hurts- turning the wounds over to God is my only hope for total healing. I am so thankful that I have an understanding God who knows my fears. He knows I want my wounds cleaned but I'm scared. He doesn't get angry when I pull away. He just waits patiently (loving me all the while) for me to come back to Him. What an awesome loving God I serve!!!!

I pray that if you have any open wounds (even if you just thought they were scars) that you let God wash them clean. Thank you for letting me share my heart today and for those of you who care- I LOVE MY NEW COOKWARE!!! God Bless!!


  1. Great thoughts and insight Holly. Oh, and BTW, love the name of your Blogspot, and also LOVE LOVE LOVE Beth Moore!

  2. well done on the progress so far :)

    What sort of exercises do you guys do? Is there any special food intake/diet you guys follow too?

    It would be interesting to know.

    I'm on a health kick as well and have stopped drinking softdrinks/fizzy drinks or anything too sweet - water is my best friend at the moment.

    I'm getting into the exercise mode slowly going to the gym again.

    --Miss B :)

  3. Exercise is still the toughest for me. In the past week, I have mainly stuck to walking around the block. We have an exercise bike and a gazelle in the basement that I have spent some time on. I am not a big fan of working out for the sake of working out. I love to get outdoors and go for walks, or play tennis, or go kayaking - anything where I am getting exercise without "working out".

    I am not sure what Chris and Molly are doing but I know that Leanna and I are watching our calorie intake. I am on a 1900 calorie diet. I try to get plenty of fruits, vegetables and grains. I believe if you just take a look at nutrition information you will make better choices.

    I am addicted to Diet Coke so I drink my water to reward myself with a Diet Coke. Giving up fizzy drinks would be instant failure for me.

    I wish you the best of luck. I'll be praying for you!!

  4. I finally took a few minutes to look at your blog and believe it will be a blessing to me each time I look at it. I've always loved listening to your stories and now I'll get to read them.
    Lots of love...

  5. very good point about the scars vs wounds, I've never really thought about that, but I'll have to now.

  6. Okay Okay Okay confession time. Is there a booth or something I should step into to confess?? anyway, so I told Holly my weight this morning and then I met with my trainer and I was ONE POUND off. So Holly if you would do the honors and recalculate the numbers. I am curious as to how you are doing the numbers b/c Chris told me how to this morning and I got different numbers for me than you did. In other words I WASN'T the biggest loser when I did the math. But again I am horrible at math. Sorry if I threw everything off.

  7. And by one pound off I mean one pound heavier than I reported this morning. To answer someone's question I see a trainer twice a week for one hour and have since the end of September (took two weeks off over Christmas). I am also "watching" what I eat and trying to make healthier choices, i.e. more fruits and veggies. Also I'm watching more my portion sizes as opposed to counting calories right now. Chris and I are also using the New Dieters Cookbook and eating more chicken and turkey instead of red meat. Hey Holly maybe we should post a sample of what we all would eat on a day that we are behaving! I could email it to you and you could just cut and paste it on to here. I try to get in some more cardio in between my training sessions but so far that's been lackluster.

  8. Molly-
    I have adjusted your weight total which now makes me the biggest loser =). To answer your question- I take the amount of weight you lost and divide by the amount you started at and then multiply it by 100. So for me it was 5/303 = .016501 X 100= 1.6501. I have it on good authority that this is how the real Biggest Loser calculates it.

    Send me your your meals and I'll post it tonight. Love ya

  9. we are all having some issues with our weight this week. Geesh.

    Molly- If your starting weight that you gave me on 01/01 was on your scale at home, then your updated weight should be on your scale at home. If the trainer's scale is off of yours, that's fine. I need to adjust you back?

    As for me...I can't do math. I was at 303 and I am now at 297. This is 6 lbs and not 5..which woohoo but that changes my percentage calculation. We will get through this I promise!!

  10. TOO FUNNY!!! Yes last weeks weigh in was on my scale at home which this morning said 205. Then I went to the gym and his said 206 so "technically" we should readjust BUT you can leave as is and we'll make it up next week! He only weighs me once a month so I'll be back to just my scale next week. :) Don't you just love math! And the UPS guy who insists on ringing the doorbell which causes the dogs to go into a barking frenzy which in turn WAKES UP THE BABY from her much needed nap. okay sorry for the tangent.

  11. Thanks for posting all the wound vs scar stuff...good know, you should speak at the women's breakfast...but we'll save that discussion for another time...

    Congrats on your weight loss thus far. Awesome job!!! I am so proud of you!!! I am trying to lose again, but I haven't been successful in the past (obviously!), so I am trying not to get my hopes up. I need to drop about 100 pounds...a whole extra person! I can't even remember what I looked and felt like when I wasn't this fat, and that was only 5 or 6 years ago. Ugh!!! That's depressing...that I weighed 100 pounds less about 5 years ago...Crap!!!

  12. I am so glad Holly told me about this blog. I too have a strong faith in God and have been blessed with incredible healing from the wounds of childhood sexual abuse. I tried every means possible of escaping the pain I could not free myself of....drugs, sex and always FOOD. I finally came to the point where the wound had festered and become so infected no amount of self medicating could even touch the pain any more. I had one answer left...turn my life and my will over to the care of GOD...completely. I used to think I was too bad to ask God for help and that I had to be good first before coming to God. I learned through the help of many others in my church and twelve step program that Jesus didn't come here to save saints...he came to save sinners. That was a turning point for me. I have been clean for 26 months now and during that time my weight sky rocketed 60 pounds. That has affected my self esteem quite a bit. I still, like Holly, engaging in alot of negative self talk. It takes a long time to forive yourself for the mistakes you've made. I know my God has forgiven me and as a christian I have to believe I have to accept that gift and forgive myself it's just hard to do when you have lived your whole life feeling like you are dirt. I have never blogged before so I guess I'm rambling but it makes my heart feel really good to see someone I know and respect feels quite a bit like I do on the inside. I don't feel so weak somehow. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your helps the rest of us not feel so different.

  13. OK...I worked out my percentage using the formula you listed above. I started 1/5/09 and as of today (1/7), I am at 2.34%. I would like my crown now. :)
